Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of freshwater aquariums? Whether you’re an enthusiastic newbie or a seasoned aquarist looking to start afresh, choosing the right fish for your tank can be an exciting yet challenging task. To help you get started on the right fin, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten beginner fish for your freshwater aquarium. These beautiful and hardy species will make a splash in your tank while being relatively easy to care for. So, let’s take a plunge and explore the vibrant aquatic universe together! Neon Tetras: No beginner fish list...
Continue readingTechnology and Our Hobby
Hi everyone! As you have probably seen, there aren’t a lot of blog posts on here… I’ve had some ideas here and there on what to do, but haven’t really made anything happen… I am working on getting the shop up and running and getting things refined on the page. I’ve thought about technology and its role in our hobby… I haven’t been in the hobby as long as some of the old timers, but I’ve been around long enough that under gravel filters were the default way to keep your tank clean and other than sword plants you...
Continue readingWhat to do, what to do… SunSun HW603-b review
Hey everyone! Welcome to the REAL first blog post for River and Delta! When I was putting this site together, I added the blog and said “I’ll figure it out.” This tends to be how I handle most things… Set it down in front of me, give it a good onceover, then decide how to proceed. I’m not sure this is how most folks operate in life, or in the hobby… but it does afford me the opportunity to tell you about products that have or have not worked for me. As a positive person, I tend to...
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This is the first blog post of River and Delta Plants and Aquatics! We specialize in breeding freshwater fish and propagating aquatic and some terrestrial plants. We’ll be posting on YouTube and Instagram as well, so keep an eye out for all of our updates!...
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