Why ‘Watts Per Gallon’ Is Outdated: A Better Way to Measure Light in Aquariums

Aquarium plants are an essential part of any fish tank. They not only add beauty and color to the aquarium, but they also provide a natural habitat for fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic creatures. However, to keep aquarium plants healthy, you need to provide them with the right amount of light. In the past, hobbyists used the “watts per gallon” (WPG) rule to measure light intensity. However, this method is now considered outdated and inaccurate. In this blog post, we’ll explore why “watts per gallon” is an outdated way to measure for aquarium plants. First, let’s take a closer...

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The Celestial Pearl Danio: A Delightful Addition to Your Aquarium

If you’re looking for a small, colorful, and active fish to add to your freshwater aquarium, the Celestial Pearl Danio (formerly known as the Galaxy Rasbora) is an excellent choice. This fish is known for its iridescent blue-green body and bright orange-red spots, which make it a standout in any tank. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Celestial Pearl Danio and explore its appearance, habitat, behavior, diet, aquarium care, breeding, and recent name change. Appearance The Celestial Pearl Danio is a small fish that typically grows to a maximum size of 2.5cm (1 inch). Its...

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The Nitrogen Cycle and Your Aquarium

So, you’ve got a freshwater aquarium and you want to keep it healthy for your aquatic friends, right? Well, one important aspect of maintaining a healthy tank is understanding the nitrogen cycle. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. First off, what is the nitrogen cycle? Simply put, it’s the process by which organic matter is broken down into nitrogen compounds that can be used by aquatic plants and other organisms. This cycle is crucial in maintaining the water quality in your aquarium. So, let’s break it down step by step. The cycle begins when fish and...

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